Re: Sound 2019 - Aalborg
to Aug 23

Re: Sound 2019 - Aalborg

  • CREATE Aalborg University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In august, I will be presenting my work at the RE:SOUND, the 8th International Conference for Histories of Media Arts at Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark. I will present a paper new materialism and audio technology, as well as giving a live performance on obsolete and broken electronics.

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San Diego Art Institute - Artist in Residency
to Jun 8

San Diego Art Institute - Artist in Residency

  • san diego art institute (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

From April to June I will be installing and developing copy | write. In this piece, digital audio data from a #1 hit song is printed out on long spools of receipt paper used in commercial transactions. These paper reels are then traced by hand back into a computer. The resultant sound file is a version of the original material, but reinterpreted by the involuntary errors inherent to handmade processes, highlighting how bodies act as filters for digital data and commerce. Open workshops on Fridays from 10am - 4pm

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EMS 18 - Florence
to Jun 23

EMS 18 - Florence

Presenting my paper "The Timbre of Trash: Anthropomorphic Strategies to Resist Technological Obsolescence" at the Electroacoustic Music Studies Conference on June 20th at the Villa Finaly in Florence Italy.

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